SHA is proud to announce the launch of our new campaign: 'Buy a child a cue'.
A snooker cue is the most essential piece of equipment for our members to be able to access the sport, and learn how to play and practise snooker. Without a cue our young people would not be able to play the game that they love and couldn't gain the great benefits from playing and learning snooker in a supportive, engaging and fun atmosphere at SHA.
When a child with special needs joins the Stephen Harrison Academy and becomes a new member they are given a snooker cue of their own so that they can get stuck into the sport. Having their own cue is an important part of their game development as this gives them a sense of ownership over their learning and a real responsibility in taking good care of their cue so that they can learn and play to the best of their ability.
SHA does tremendous work in coaching our children how to play snooker, teaching them important life lessons such as social skills along the way. Every child that comes to SHA reaps real rewards from participating in these snooker sessions that really help them to get engaged in the sport and make new friends in a safe and welcoming environment where they can thrive and be themselves.

The cue is the key to unlocking all of the innumerable benefits of learning to play snooker in our sessions. Parent Ashley Garner insists that a child having their own cue and attending SHA sessions "gives them the opportunity to have somewhere to go that they love, feel a part of and to feel included whilst learning a life-long skill." Long time academy member Joe Bell remarked that "the academy has been a great help, if I hadn't joined the disability group I probably would never have picked up a cue and would've been stuck in the house not doing much." Joe is now an accomplished snooker player having won the National Junior Disability Snooker Championships in 2019 and going on to found his own snooker team at Wadsley Bridge in the Sheffield and District Association Snooker League - fantastic achievements that would not have been possible if Joe wasn't given the opportunity to have his own cue and learn to play snooker at SHA.

Therefore, we are asking people and businesses around Sheffield to contribute to the important life changing work that we do at SHA by providing a child with special needs with their own cue. Once they have their own cue they can really start their SHA journey and begin to open the doors on so many opportunities to grow, learn and thrive at SHA and beyond.
If you are interested in buying a cue for a child with disabilities then please follow this link where you can select a cue and case to gift to a child at our academy: https://www.stephenharrisonacademy.com/shop