"I think what you're doing for people with learning difficulties and mental health problems is amazing, very empowering and refreshingly different."
Karen Egen - Volunteer Coordinator, Burton Street Foundation
"It is a good opportunity for them to socialise and learn a new sport. Our children have a variety of disabilities ranging from autism, ADHD, Asperger's syndrome, dyspraxia, autistic spectrum disorder and most of them have trouble concentrating. With your patience and guidance they are now attaining a new skill in a fun way."
Jayne A Raynor - Ray of Hope, Sheffield
"The group that Stephen runs is unique in that it gives clients a direct link to the community, which means that they are included at a different level than if this was a mental health facilitated group. Our clients have benefited because the social inclusion doesn't end with the tuition. This has taken social inclusion to a whole new level and has opened up avenues to our clients that may not have been open to them before, or they may not have felt able to take."
Kim Wilson - West Day Services, Sheffield Care Trust
"I have worked in children's services for 22 years, my current role is as a group leader in a local authority children's home. I believe and feel without a doubt that Stephen Harrison Academy is an exceptionally outstanding provision."
Michael Saywell - Group Leader, Sheffield Children's Home
"The club has such a lovely atmosphere. It’s a calm environment but full of fun too. The staff are so friendly and encouraging. You feel like you’re part of a big, extended family. This is all down to Steve Harrison himself – such an inspirational man, with a huge passion for the sport and in particular, for increasing access to the game for people with disabilities."
Sheena Mansell – Parent
"We cannot stress how grateful we are for all that Steve does for our son and others by giving them the opportunity to have somewhere to go that they love, feel a part of and to feel included whilst learning a life-long skill."
Ashley Garner – Parent
"My son's autistic and had the chance to come and see what it's all about here, he only had an hour but he decided in that hour he wanted to come back, Steve, Katie and rest have been really welcoming to us and today made me proud, Steve got him helping him do things and play cards and did tricks, my son really enjoyed today, it was nice to see, I'd like to say a massive thank you to everyone."
Paul Hutchinson – Parent
"Brilliant team here, my son has loved every minute of it."
Ian Steer – Parent
"Fantastic place for children with special needs to go to and feel safe and welcome. The snooker club is set up to meet all the children's needs and for them to make new friends which children with autism find difficult to do. and to make friends in a quiet, secure and fun environment."
Amanda Cutts – Parent
"SHA has helped my son a lot he has been attending the club for 5 years now and has made real progress in the game."
Lydia Wood – Parent
"The Academy has been a great help, if I hadn't joined the disability group I probably would never have picked up a cue and would've been stuck in the house not doing much."
Joe Bell - Service User
"The staff are fantastic! Always friendly and understanding. They have taken the time to get to know J and understand him well."
Anonymous - Parent

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